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Activity 1

Collected Collage

Let's get to know collaging! We will start by looking at the process of collaging and experiment with unusual materials.

We know that collaging is combining and layering different materials so let's make a collage with materials that wouldn't usually go together.

Have a look around your house, school, garden or collect things from outside on a walk and collect suitable materials for your collage. Here is a list of things you might find but use anyhtng else that you can find and have fun!...

  • Leaves

  • String

  • Paper

  • Paints

  • Food!

  • Food wrappers and packaging

  • Newspapers

  • Cardboard

  • Straws

  • Anything else!!

Pick a flat material to work on (piece of paper or cardboard maybe) and start layering the materials that you can find. 

Use this activity to have fun and experiment with what materials work well together.

Think about if you want to stick any of the materials down or if you will just place them on the paper.

What materials did you find outside?

Andy Goldsworthy is a sculptor who uses natural materials only for his land art work. Although he is a sculptor, his work shows us how you can layer and arrange natural materials to form patterns and artwork. The pictures below of his work might give you inspiration of how you could encorporate layering leaves, sticks or stones in your work.

Here is some ideas (yours do not have to look like this!)...

Adventure outside! What natural materials can you use in your collage?


What is the craziest material you found?


The netting reminded me of a fishing net so I added it to the boat.

A sea of leaves! By using the materials that I found around my house and outside, I layered them to make a scene that look like a large wave and a boat. 

I used marmite to add swirls to show the sea's movement.

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